Thursday, 19 May 2011

Some more jewellery!

Hi ,Some more jewellery made over the past few months.

Monday, 16 May 2011

Some Jewellery made over the past wee while.

Hope you like these...always seem to have time to put on facebook but never here..sorry!!I've more on my facebook page if you want a wee look.xx

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Oh dear!!!!

Well what can I say...I knew I'd never be able to keep this blog up to date.Keep my facebook up to date though so that's not too bad!
Been really busy and made lots of jewellery but only uploaded in F.B. I started knitting again as I now have a wee part time job in Elena Costella's Fibre and Yarn Studio in Perth.It's just a lovely place to work and also to buy beautiful wool from so it's worth a visit if you have a chance.Full of goodies.